Carers Week 2020

Happy Carers Week!

This year is all about Making Caring Visible and VOCAL has a great programme of events to celebrate!

Of course with COVID-19 still very much part of our lives the usual in person gatherings are sadly not possible, but we’re excited about the virtual gatherings and events we have happening, and looking forward to seeing carers from across Edinburgh and Midlothian.

As increasingly services and events move online VOCAL is, as always, here to support carers.   If you are not feeling confident online especially with video calls like Zoom and webinars get in touch and our experienced  carer support will talk you through how to get connected and confident online.

VOCAL are also running 1-1 Get Connected! Digital Surgery’s supporting carers to get online and try a new digital platform, we have also put together a list of trusted local and national digital resources  and services to build confidence with online services and get the best out of the exciting new opportunities out there online.

Take a look at VOCAL’s carer training website to find out more about the events and training available and the breaks available section of the Wee Breaks site for virtual breaks and experiences you can join.  All Carers Week events are open to carers who either themselves or the person they care for live in Edinburgh and Midlothian.