Our holiday homes

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Our holiday homes

VOCAL’s Wee Breaks service is a response to unpaid carer’s growing demand for short breaks, and a lack of suitable, affordable accommodation. In our Edinburgh Carers Survey 2023, support to take a break was the most in-demand type of support, requested by 60% of carers who completed the survey. 

Wee Breaks Enterprise has developed from a feasibility study undertaken on VOCAL’s behalf by Community Enterprise in 2020, followed by extensive consultation with over 1,200 carers in VOCAL’s Carer Survey 2021. Working with partners across sectors, including health and social care, local charities and corporate employers, VOCAL is developing a self-sustaining business model, which will provide a choice of free and affordable short break opportunities to carers of all ages. 

To find out more about our holiday homes and request a booking, please have a look at the pages below. If you have any questions, you can email holidayhomes@vocal.org.uk.

Why are accessible breaks needed for unpaid carers?        

Taking a break from caring routines can have a huge impact on carers’ emotional and physical health, sense of isolation and social contact: 

“Completely exhausted and running on empty. I never feel rested, just depleted… I suffer with horrendous migraines and the doctors have told me to reduce the stress levels in my life, but how is this possible?” 

Breaks help carers to cope with challenges, impact positively on the caring relationship, and give carers time to rest and recharge: 

“A weekend away with my partner and kids would be amazing. I’d still be caring but with my partner there to help, I’d be able to relax. Someone to take over night duties so I can have a decent night’s sleep would be great too. 

Hawthorn Brae

Hawthorn Brae cottage and its front garden.

Hawthorn Brae is a beautiful self-catering cottage in the village of Blair Atholl, providing unpaid carers and people with life-limiting conditions with a relaxing break from caring routines. 

More info on Hawthorn Brae

Seton Sands

Hawthorn Brae cottage and its front garden.

We are excited to share that VOCAL now has two new holiday homes at Haven Seton Sands Holiday Village! These are now open to carers, and available for three- and four-night stays. 

More info on Seton Sands

Commercial breaks

We have availability for last-minute paid bookings in February and March, and funds raised will support the operations of our holiday homes.

These breaks are open to everyone. Find out more below.

Commercial breaks